Our mission is to bring brands to life in fun and entertaining ways!
Part tech company, part creative powerhouse, our team is recognized by companies such as Hasbro, Disney and Cartoon Network as the premier development team who can consistently create hit video games featuring top brands.

We’ve built our reputation by consistently delivering solid gaming mechanics, feature-quality character animation, service flexibility and technological expertise. We’ve had the honor of working with Pinkie Pie, Mr. Potato Head, Johnny Tractor and Optimus Prime. Since we’re name dropping, we also have rubbed shoulders with Dora and the Backyardigains too.
The list of titles that Graphite Lab has developed is an extensive one, at over 200 released titles. Recent products include work for Transformers Rescue Bots, My Little Pony and Mr. Potato Head to name just a few. We’ve made a big push to extend our reach to new platforms and territories with apps and games played worldwide. Since we’re counting, we can tell ya that we’ve reached #1 in over 60 countries with our different apps and amassed over 40,000,000 plays since January 2014.
Years of working with top brands and characters has rubbed off on us. We’ve pumped that excitement and expertise into our own ideas. The first of which is Hive Jump, a 2-D side-scrolling action platformer for 1-4 players. Hive Jump has been featured in Game Informer, Nintendo Force and was listed among the first “Nindies” to debut at PAX 2015.
Awards & Features! Neat!

The Key 3
We focus on these three things to help us stand out from other developers.

Focus on Fun
Fun is at the heart of what we do. If you aren't having fun, why play?
Fun comes first.
We agonize over the fun stuff. Sounds a little silly, but we really do go through tough discussions, schedules, and developments in order to deliver the most fun experience we can.

Visually Impeccable
Our studio was founded by artists. So the visual appeal of a game is something we take seriously.
We care about looks.
While fun comes first, we feel that visual expression is an important part of engaging a user in a game. We thrive on bringing smiles to faces young and old through incredible animation, intuitive interfaces and smart design.

Data Informed
We're smart. Our players are smarter. We value their opinions.
Test for best results.
Our player network gives us incredible data to inform our design decisions. We have great partnerships with organizations in the area which facilitate testing groups for players of all ages.
Core Team
We’re adding the rest of our crew – but they were too busy cranking out games to pose for a photo. Check back soon!

Let’s Make Something Happen!